viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008

Matter of opinions

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How do you feel the show is going this season?SIMON COWELL: It's interesting. I think the audience are much more savvy than I've seen them in previous years, and much less forgiving, which I'm happy about. I've got a feeling this year something strange could happen, particularly after what happened with David Cook last night. Because, I've got to tell you, watching it back, this performance he did on "Billie Jean," in my opinion, was in a different league to anything we've heard on the season so far. It was so much better, [chuckles] he kind of made some of the other performances seem ridiculous. But I'm glad! He was smart — I know where he got the arrangement of the song from, but that doesn't really matter. He was brilliant! And I was concerned three or four weeks ago that this was just going to be a coronation for David Archuleta and it's just a question of who comes [in] second. I'm not so sure anymore. And, you know, with Jason Castro last night — there's a guy who thinks he's just sailing along, and I thought it was a bad performance. You give somebody like him a kick up the ass, let's see what he can deliver now. But I thought it was, um, an interesting night last night.

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