This is tha page I delivered to that project!
sábado, 29 de marzo de 2008
viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008
This is what I want from Jason on Tuesday Night

There is a thread in Jason's folder at American Idol's Boards which title is "This is what I want from Jason on Tuesday Night", what made me think of what I want "from" him that night and I came up with:
I want him to feel free, relaxed, confident and loved!
That's all I need... and as a fellow member of the boards said about that "the rest will follow"
(Caps are courtesy of Fox and Khushix)
Matter of opinions
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How do you feel the show is going this season?SIMON COWELL: It's interesting. I think the audience are much more savvy than I've seen them in previous years, and much less forgiving, which I'm happy about. I've got a feeling this year something strange could happen, particularly after what happened with David Cook last night. Because, I've got to tell you, watching it back, this performance he did on "Billie Jean," in my opinion, was in a different league to anything we've heard on the season so far. It was so much better, [chuckles] he kind of made some of the other performances seem ridiculous. But I'm glad! He was smart — I know where he got the arrangement of the song from, but that doesn't really matter. He was brilliant! And I was concerned three or four weeks ago that this was just going to be a coronation for David Archuleta and it's just a question of who comes [in] second. I'm not so sure anymore. And, you know, with Jason Castro last night — there's a guy who thinks he's just sailing along, and I thought it was a bad performance. You give somebody like him a kick up the ass, let's see what he can deliver now. But I thought it was, um, an interesting night last night.
jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008
And so it's Jason Castro...

Abro este blog por una necesidad personal, emocional muy fuerte, un deseo ferviente de materializar por medio de palabras un recuerdo a futuro de este momento que vivo. Desde hace algunas semanas me he sentido profundamente deprimida, aquello que siento desde hace 14 años, y que me acompaña día con día se ha manifestado con más fuerza y por momentos me vuelve loca de tristeza... Pero sin darme cuenta de cómo sucedió encontré una pequeña pero tiernísima zona de comfort, invaluable para mí en estos momentos. Me hice de un lugar propio, de un sitio en el alma cuyas paredes están construidas con la voz de Jason Castro. Pero esa voz y esa humilde presencia no sólo crean paredes sino atmósferas de las más variadas, pero todas ellas tranquilas y llenas de calma, de optimismo, de sonrisas y de luz y de colores. Quiero hacer por medio de este blog un tributo a esa emoción y por consecuencia a esa persona que la hace posible, Jason. No sé qué rumbos tomará este blog, lo que sí sé es que me hace sentir paz poder expresar esto aquí y tal vez hacer llegar este mensaje a alguien que lo comprenda, o por lo menos permitirme este diálogo interno que es vital para mí en este momento de la vida.
I open this blog because of a personal necessity, emotional and very strong and because of a fervent desire of materializing through words a future memory of this moment that I'm living. Since a few weeks ago I have felt deeply depressed, something that I feel since 14 years ago and that is with me day by day has been strongly manifesting and for certain moments it drives me crazy out of sadness... But, without noticing how it happened I found a little but incredibly tender comfort zone, invaluable for me in these moments. I build a place for myself, I created a place in my soul. The walls are made with the voice of Jason Castro. But this humble self not only creates the walls of my place but a whole variety of atmospheres, all of them quiet and full of calm, optimism, smiles, light and colors. I want this blog to be a tribute to that emotion and the the man that makes it possible: Jason. I don't know what is the path this blog will follow, what I feel now is the tranquility and peace of being able of expressing this here and make this message available to someone who understands it, or at least allow me this internal dialog that is completelt vital for me at this moment of my life.
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