— By Kim Halpin
Herald-Banner Correspondent
One night, one performance and the chance of a lifetime...
Feb. 19 was the day that nearly 36 million television viewers were given a first glimpse of unknown talent Jason Castro, of Rockwall. Castro, one of the “mute four” who had not been showcased in any previous shows, wowed the crowd and judges with the song “Daydream.”
Now, anyone can view more than 700 videos on YouTube, or numerous postings on message boards, and learn more about the 21-year-old who has touched the lives of millions through his performance on Idol. Fans can learn about his attendance at Texas A&M, his appearances on the Cheyenne Kimball show, or jump on a Dreadhead bus and discuss his next career move. Castro has gained visibility and name recognition that many work for during a lifetime in the music industry. The popularity and commercial success of American Idol has changed this young man’s life in one night and one song.
Daydream seems appropriate for what Castro must be experiencing these days. Interviews, commercials, autographs and life in the media spotlight are much faster than hometown life in Rockwall and Rowlett. Going to Hollywood for Castro must seem like stepping right into his own movie or “Daydream.”
Yet, residents in Rockwall County know that Castro is still the same humble guy he was at home.
Locals know Jason from participating in Rowlett’s Battle of the Bands and his performances as a drummer with “Keeping Lions” and singing at Lake Pointe Church.
“Jason’s heart is in the music and you can see his love of music. He is just an all around nice guy and represents the Rockwall/Rowlett area well,” said Heath Olinger, recreation division manager with the City of Rowlett.
Callie Horner of Heath, and fellow choir member at Lake Pointe Church noted, “When I first heard he made it on American Idol, I thought it was terrific! Then I knew why he hadn’t been to choir practice.”
According to Stephanie Baisey, a friend of the Castro family, Jason is handling the new found fame well. His laid-back demeanor has been an asset when paparazzi and autograph seekers follow him around.
“He can’t walk out anymore without being recognized. But, he handles it beautifully. He has such a heart for people,” said Baisey.
Family and friends recently spent the Easter week with Castro and had a glimpse of how life has changed. Bodyguards take the contestants from place to place. Friends and families learn how to find quiet places to gather without being recognized. But in his downtime, Castro went to the beach with friends and visited Saddleback Church for Easter service. He even had the opportunity to talk with Pastor Rick Warren, and author of “The Purpose Driven Life.”
Castro’s mom Betsy was able to make some home-cooked meals for a taste of home. Life has not only changed for Jason, but for the entire Castro family.
“They were thrust into the limelight and public view. Everything that was once considered private, is now under a microscope,” said Baisey.
Castro’s own music and lyrics are touching lives of his fan base. The Web site received email about his song entitled “So Fast.” One family stated that the song helped them through a death in their family and the song is making it easier to get through the hard times.
A.S. Davies, also known as “Seven,” is the administrator of a Web site dedicated to Castro (Daydreamingboy.com). She contributes her time to the Web site and has never even seen the show live. Seven is a resident of Norway.
“Jason does have a very wide appeal, and as a total person not just an entertainer,” Davies said.
“I used to work in entertainment in New York and D.C. doing events , bookings etc. After a while you develop a keen eye for talent — the ‘It’ factor. Jason has that, indisputably. In this age of manufactured, pseudo-sincere entertainment, its is refreshing to see actual heart and talent, no matter how raw,” she said.
The show does not broadcast in Norway, yet she ran across the performances online and Jason stood out in the crowd. Seven volunteered with a committee on the American Idol message boards and built a website. Now, this website has visitors from nearly every U.S. state and 14 other countries.
One milestone Castro has achieved is breaking into the I-tunes top 100 with his recording of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” Although I-tunes now withholds the download demand from the AI contestants, Castro’s charting was a first for an American Idol. The commercial success of AI and Castro’s performance propelled Jeff Buckley’s version to No. 1 as well, a tribute to a man who recorded the song over 20 years ago and died early at the age of 30 in 1997.
On the American Idol boards, Castro’s folder is one of the busiest on the site. The fans have all found something that has connected them to Castro. Fans board “dreadhead buses” and talk about the latest idol news or what Castro should sing.
Although Castro does not visit the boards, he is aware of his growing fan base, even to the extent he gives signals to those in support, such as a thumbs-up or a “gig-em” sign following performances, wearing colored beads in his dreads — all to show the fans that he does appreciate their efforts.
Fans have mascots with dreads, wear braids on Tuesdays, and find ways to increase support for Castro.
One fan (“Fanaticdoc”), posted, “No matter how far he goes in the competition, he’s already left a mark and changed the face of American Idol. He is completely unique. We’ve had our share of rockers, pop stars, belters, etc., but no one in American Idol history has looked or sounded like Jason. He brings originality and uniqueness to his look and his voice. He is able to touch people without the big notes. He is the first and only to take a risk in singing a profound and religiously charged song as ‘Hallelujah’ and first to play an instrument.”
One board member simply states, “When Jason smiles, the whole world smiles.”
The raw talent of Castro, who had only five vocal performances before Idol, is a contrast to many of the performers on the show. Several had record deals and many years of vocal performance. Being unique and fresh is something Castro brings to AI.
Yet, he is not immune from false media reports. Untruths have circulated about him, because of his laid back and quiet personality.
Laura Allen, friend, said that many do not choose to look beyond his dreads. Some choose to focus on the stereotype that dreads can bring. Because Castro is a easy-going guy, some like those on the television show Talk Soup, infer him to be on drugs.
“Those that know Jason, know this is the farthest from the truth. He is very genuine and has a wonderful foundation in his family and faith,” added Allen. “His personality is an asset in the midst of the craziness and it helps him maintain his composure.”
Castro’s personality is starting to show as each episode progresses, said Allen. He’s getting more talkative and showing the side his friends know.
“He’s actually kinda goofy and that’s the Jason we all enjoy.”
Allen and friends who visited Jason recently note that in his song selections he really looks at the lyrics. Although he has selected some slower songs, he has an appreciation for rock.
“He has a hard core rock side to him as a drummer. Castro has been compared to the likes of Jack Johnson, and others, but his style touches a chord with viewers and brings a whole new element to American Idol this year. He is soulful, humble and not over rehearsed,” added Baisey.
“Jason communicates humility and comes from a solid family. We all knew he would do really well,” said Eddie Walker, friend and keyboardist at Lake Pointe Church. “Our family prays for him and for those who are voted off. Jason is being true to himself and viewers are able to relate and see the relevance in what he sings.”
“U2’s Bono had said, ‘Fame is a currency,’ and now Jason can take the stage and use this experience for good,” added Walker.
Callie Horner, an aspiring singer as well, is encouraged by Castro’s success. “I want to try out for Idol. It makes me more comfortable knowing that people in the community and at Lake Pointe are so supportive.”
Rockwall has been known as the fastest growing county. But, now many have learned it’s the home of Jason Castro.
“I am a fan and know of him through his singing at Lake Pointe Church. We are getting great excitement in the area and will continue to support him,” said Rockwall Mayor Bill Cecil.
Wes Hamilton, Lake Pointe Church teaching pastor, adds “We are so excited and proud of him. He is one great kid and what you see is what you get.”
Community support is evident not only in discussions around town, but also in signs placed in yards to vote for Jason, or Steak n Shake’s “Good Luck Jason” proudly displayed at the I-30 overpass.
Culver’s of Rockwall held a watching party on Castro’s birthday and performance night at which Rockwall High School seniors delivered food for tips for the senior class. Attendees enjoyed the flavor of the day, “Crazy for Jason cookie dough” frozen custard.
“We had a great turnout and it gave us the opportunity to support Jason and let the community know a little more about us,” said manager Mike Mangrum.
Locals can also be spotted sporting “Vote for Jason Castro” T-shirts around town. Brandi Patterson, of Rockwall and a Castro family friend, has found that demand for the T-shirts is growing. Patterson originally designed shirts for the first viewing party at Lake Pointe Church.
“The Skate Church gave up their time to allow us to use Pier 419 to support Jason,” she said.
So, in support of the Skate Church, Patterson has given half the proceeds of the sales to the Skate Church to fund future missions.
“Jason’s heart is in ministry, and supporting the skate church through the sales was appropriate,” added Patterson.
Daily, Patterson is receiving orders for shirts and mails them throughout the U.S. and Canada. She has received e-mail from fans who express their support of Jason, but their regret that they do not live in the U.S. and cannot vote for Jason.
Castro is also receiving fan mail at the Rockwall Post Office. Fans are simply addressing it with his name and town in hopes it somehow gets to him. Patterson has picked up some and passed to family members. Some fans have written songs and expressed their adoration of Castro’s music.
American Idol is a stepping stone for Castro no matter how far he goes.
“Jason has demonstrated a unique and strong character that can stand up to the pressure of fame,” said Suzanne Brooke, principal of Bayley/Brooke Communications a Heath-based advertising, marketing and public relations agency.
“The value of appearing on American Idol is priceless, and now the path ahead is his to choose. It’s not even necessary to win anymore, as some of the most successful careers to come out of Idol are those of non-winners.
“Clay Aiken, Kelly Pickler and Chris Daughtry have all enjoyed enormous post-Idol success, and don’t forget Jennifer Hudson. Spotted on Idol by producers, she was cast as a lead in the ‘Dreamgirls’ film and went on to win an Oscar for her performance. It will be very exciting to see what Jason chooses to do with this opportunity, and in the meantime, he has introduced the cities of Rockwall and Rowlett to the world. That’s pretty priceless too.”
One song, one night, showed millions of viewers the heart of a local boy that is shining across the globe. Castro’s heart shines and people are taking notice.
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